Sunday, November 2, 2008

Coupon Karma

I do, I do, I DO believe in Coupon Karma!

About a month ago a dear generous coupon friend of mine sent me these beauties, complements of Barefoot wine:

For those of you out there who have never seen a wine tag before - here they are! And yes, they are No Wine Purchase Necessary! Wine tags where I live are a rare occasion so I am always grateful for those who share. My friend who sent me 5 of these, asking nothing in return, starting the spread of coupon karma.

In return, I shared a couple of these wine tags with another friend of mine, who I know lives in a no wine tag state also. A few weeks later, I received a surprise envelope of coupons from another friend, and in it, $3 more in wine tags! I'd like to think of this as my coupon gift for sharing? I like to think so. I hope that my coupon friends who sent these to me got some good karma in return, also.

Karma dosn't have to be just about coupons, of course. Have you ever took a moment out of your day to do something nice or special for someone else? Do you ever feel your good deed come back to you? I really believe it does.

There was a movie I watched some time ago called, Pay It Forward. It was about this same kind of thing. Very interesting movie. With all the problems of the world today, sometimes when we give someone else a kind moment, big or small, it spreads and makes all the difference in the world.


TA-TA said...

Hi! I'm new to your blog. I just stumbled upon it and am so excited to find your wonderful resources. I'm working on becoming a better coupon-mom, so I appreciate it when I find a site like yours. I have to say, though, I'm disappointed in my Kroger. Coupons over $0.50 are face value, their produce sucks, and the store doesn't have a very good stock of supplies. Maybe seeing your deals will restore my faith in their store. LOL!

Thanks for the info!
