Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Awesomely Awesome Deal at Kroger

I went to Kroger last night to pick up a few things and here is what I got.

4 Glade Flameless Candles @ 8.97 each
5 Fuze Teas @ $1.00 each
1 Kroger Macaroni Salad @ $1.50
1 Kroger Sour Cream @ $1.00
4 1/2 gallons Turkey Hill Iced Tea @ $1.00 each

I know it dosn't seem like much but you know what they say - money comes in small packages.

So the total after all coupons and discounts was: $24.22

BUT.... I split the Glade Flameless Candles up on two orders - two different receipts so I can send in for the Glade Flameless Candle rebate for myself and give the other one to my friend. So, already I will be reimbursed $17.94.

ALSO.... For every Glade Flameless Candle you buy you will receive a $4 Catalina for money off your next shopping order! So....

I also received another $4 catalina for buying 5 Fuze Teas!

Basically what this comes down to is, last night, I got paid roughly $16 bucks to go shopping! Now that's an Awesomely Awesome Deal!

